Memoir Writing Ink

I was not immediately convinced that the Memoir Writing Ink course with Alison Wearing was for me. Would 12 weeks of writing instruction online be worth the money? COVID left me sick to death of one-sided online communication. I read reviews. I checked out other offerings. I listened to Alison on YouTube. I listened toContinue reading “Memoir Writing Ink”

Disruption or Democracy

Disruption is heralded as a meaningful way to create innovation or shake things up. We’ve seen the impact of technological change in terms of innovations that have not only changed commercial enterprise but our lives. However, “disruptors” in the political arena seem to be doing more to deconstruct the fabric of democracy that facilitate intelligentContinue reading “Disruption or Democracy”

Caterpillars Go To School 

Classroom pets and are increasingly frowned on in schools making the accompanying learning possibilities scant. Salmon enhancement projects are popular but require maintenance during the two-week Spring Break which requires a champion with school access and availability on the holiday. Raising butterflies continues to be a manageable option with many avenues for learning about theContinue reading “Caterpillars Go To School “

Trekking with Nordic Walking Poles

The final preparations are underway for the pilgrimage on The Portuguese Way to Santiago de Compostela. It started as a COVID dream and at the tail end of Covid en route to see my father in Los Angeles. I purchased a little book in my favourite bookstore in Portland, Powell’s Books, called The Portuguese Way ToContinue reading “Trekking with Nordic Walking Poles”

“The Canadian” Reflected in Ryan Gosling

  I have now watched the clip from the Academy Awards, I’m Just Ken, multiple times.  It does not fail to make me smile. Although I was born in California, I was back in Canada with a new name and a new nationality before I turned a year old. I have held onto the Canadian Born Abroad status andContinue reading ““The Canadian” Reflected in Ryan Gosling”

Setting Learning Intentions with Kids 

Mention writing New Year’s Resolutions and you get a cringe response. Talk about developing independence and you get some attention. Talk about setting learning intentions and you get respect. Yet, there is a considerable overlap between all these things. I always write New Year’s Resolutions myself and with students. The intention is to resolve toContinue reading “Setting Learning Intentions with Kids “

Looking Back and Looking Forward

  My mother taught me how to celebrate the New Year.   We stayed up late to ring in the new year, sing Auld Lang Syne and then make our New Year’s Resolutions.  That stayed true whether we were at a big Patrick’s party, with Nanny and Grandpa watching Guy Lombardo, at home with Dick Clark or watchingContinue reading “Looking Back and Looking Forward”

Tackling Climate Change with Hope

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”                Margaret Mead           1901-1978 Hope is not the pervasive feeling inspired by social media feeds or daily news report in the world today.   Yet, as Margaret Mead aptly reminds us, hope has always beenContinue reading “Tackling Climate Change with Hope”

Developing Independence in Children

“Children are as independent as you expect them to be.” Maria Montessori Parents, caregivers, and educators who focus their attention on supporting children in their growth and development want the very best for them.  Surprisingly many of these well-meaning adults do not understand the importance or the conditions required to develop independence in these young peopleContinue reading “Developing Independence in Children”